a) I never watch MTV. Ever. I never have. Oh wait, there is one exception: America’s Next Top Model. This show brainwashes me into wasting my snow day lying in bed watching skinny girls take pictures while Tyra Banks gibbers on. Then the commercials for skater boys and a bunch of horny people in a house. The cleaning, planning, and multiple other things I NEED to do–fall victim to the brainwashing glare of bad reality TV.

b) It’s February 1st. For me, February is traditionally the longest month of the year (yet it’s the shortest! ironic!) The closer we get to the end of February, the more the short, cold days of winter stretch out before me. I begin to YEARN for spring. I do not use the word yearn very often.

c) Should I ever break away from ANTM, I may have to concoct this: http://www.culinaryconcoctionsbypeabody.com/2007/07/18/wishful-thinking/

d) I don’t plan on showering today. Oh, yeah.